Culture > 06-14-2022

The Salvation Army Camden Kroc Center Flip the Switch Event

On Thursday, June 16, 2022, the Salvation Army Camden Kroc Center “Flipped the Switch” to their new solar energy system, at their facility in Camden, New Jersey. The event commemorated the moment that the Salvation Army Kroc Center began to power their operation by the sun. With the new solar energy system developed by Novitium, the center will now self-generate more than 56% of its electricity!

Event Highlights

Novitium Energy, (A National Energy Partners Company) in collaboration with Madison Energy Investments discussed the details of the solar array project and the economic and financial benefits that the solar project provides.

The Salvation Army Camden Kroc Center, its staff, and some members were present to provide the Salvation Army invocation, and goals of the Salvation Army and provide thanks to all involved in the solar project. 

Key Personal

-William Spearman – Assemblyman, New Jersey House of Representatives (provided the Congressional Proclamation)

-Reverend Chris Collins – City Councilman, New Jersey

Jongwoo Kim – Major and General Sectary of the Salvation Army

-Keith Maynor – Major of the Salvation Army Camden Kroc Center


Ben Graziano from State Street Associates, on behalf of Assemblyman Spearman, presented the Salvation Army Camden Kroc Center and Novitium Energy with a Congressional Proclamation issued by the United States House of Representatives.